Friday, April 8, 2011

In this chapter, Justin talks about finding his music talent. How Justin became who he is today was by sitting in church like any one of us. He was sitting in church with his mother and was really into a lot of the music during worship. From there was where his music talent was first discovered. Of course, like everyone else’s first try, he was not the best at what he did. “You have to let yourself do stuff you’re not good at”. I agree with his quote because if we only did things we were good at, we would never learn anything new. This kind of goes along with what my English teacher taught me. I remember asking about where I went wrong on my essay, and he had told me my errors. Instead of making me feel so bad about myself, he helped by telling me to practice writing. I guess another way of saying is practice makes perfect! Thank you, Mr. Carreiro.